Status code
status Description
200 Success
400 Wrong parameter
401 Failed in request parameters authentication (check timestamp, sig, Account SID or Auth Token)
403 Network error
404 File dosen't exist.
500* Server error.
400x:wrong request format、401x: authorization verifying failed.
message Description
4001 bad paramters Wrong parameters
4002 bad request Wrong parameters or URL.
4003 no such api implemented API doesn't exist.
4004 token authorization failed Token authorization failed
4005 api request limit Request quantity has reached the limit.
4006 no such account Wrong token
4007 application is not certified Application hasn’t been verified
4008 bad signature Wrong signature
500x: data error
message Description
5001 community data exception Community data exception.
5002 community disabled This community has been disabled.
5003 community not yet authenticated This community needs to be authenticated.
5004 no permission No authority
5005 build no not exist Building not found.
5006 floor No not exist Floor number not found.
5007 room No not exist Room number not found.
5008 lock data not exist Door lock data not found.
5009 not set agent Community agent has not set.
5010 not set brand no Brand number has not set.
5011 not set typesign Community type remark has not set.
5012 batch set failure Fail to set batch No..
5013 not set password Community lock secret key has not set.
5014 get qrcode failure Fail to get QR code.
5015 data error Data error
5016 invalid card Invalid card
5017 cannot match cardNo Room card identification fails to match with user
5050 roomNo format is not correct Wrong room No. format
5100 startTime or endTime is not correct Wrong start time or end time.
5101 startTime format is not correct Wrong start time format.
5102 endTime format is not correct Wrong end time format.
5103 mobile format is not correct Wrong mobile number format.
5104 communityNo format is not correct Wrong community No.
5105 buildNo format is not correct Wrong building No.
5106 floorNo format is not correct Wrong floor No.
5107 endTime is not allowed Incorrect end time. End time should not exceed the expiry time of product service (The end time of the trial account must not exceed that day).
5108 cardno format is not correct Wrong room card format.
5109 version is not correct Wrong version format
5110 failure to cancelcard Fail to cancel card
5111 it is not the time Not card obtaining time
5112 cardNo has expired The room card has expired
5113 buildNo or floorNo is not correct Wrong build No. or floor No.
5114 areaCode error Wrong area code
5115 Invalid interface Invalid interface address
5116 mobile error The user was not found by mobile number
5117 cardType format is not correct The parameter cardType has an incorrect value
5120 Password generation failed Password generation failed
5121 Password have been generated Password for this time period have been generated
5122 Time interval is too long The one-time password time interval up to 6 hours
5201 community not found Community not found
5202 sms account not found The SMS account has not been activated.
5203 insufficient balance Insufficient Balance
5204 no available template was found No available template.
5205 community name is not correct Community name is not correct(Cluster names cannot include any Chinese characters when using English template)
5206 room name is not correct Room name is not correct(Room name cannot include any Chinese characters when using English template.)
5207 wrong record token The parameter roomFlag has an incorrect value
5208 failed to obtain credentials An exception occurred during the creation of bleStr
5208 failed to obtain credentials An exception occurred during the creation of bleStr
5209 mac format is not correct mac format error
5210 card not found Room card not found
5211 room not found Room not found, Bluetooth not configured
5212 user not found The card user has not found
5213 roomId and mac are both empty Room ID and MAC cannot both be empty
5214 roomId format is not correct Room ID format error
5215 No mac or roomId invalid Room ID or MAC invalid
5216 Failed to report loss Failed to report the loss, please obtain card before reporting the loss
5217 not support report single loss The room does not support single loss reporting, please set the wholeRoom parameter
5300 Read card error Reading failed
5301 Card has been cancelled The card has been logged out
5302 Cancelled card error Logout failed
5303 creatorMobile or creatorPassword error The phone number or password is incorrect
5304 Please login to the application Please login to the app
5305 Connection timed out connection timeout
5306 User does not belong to this community User does not belong to this cluster
5307 The card does not exist The card does not exist
5308 The card has been cancelled The card has been logged out
5309 Issuance failed Signature failed
5310 Device connection failed Device connection failed
5311 Failed to identify card Failed to identify card
5312 Connection failed Connection failed
5313 OwnerMobile or OwnerAreaCode cannot be empty OwnerMobile or OwnerAreaCode cannot be empty
5314 Owner cannot be empty when the OwnerMobile does not exist Owner cannot be empty when the OwnerMobile does not exist
5315 OwnerGender is not allowed to empty or fill in the value of the illegal OwnerGender is not allowed to empty or fill in the value of the illegal
5316 The current api has expired or does not support obtaining picture room cards The current api has expired or does not support obtaining picture room cards
600x:Send SMS error
message Description
6000 network abort Network Abort
6001 keyword is forbidden Keyword uncovered
6002 the same content is submitted to the same phone number within 30 second The same content is submitted by the same phone within 30 seconds
6003 the number is more than 3 times which the same content is submitted to the same phone number within 5 minutes The same content is submitted by the same phone for three times within 5 minutes.
6004 the number of messages sent to the same mobile phone number within 1 hour exceeds the limit The same mobile phone has exceeded the sending-times limitation in 1 hour.
6005 the number of messages sent to the same mobile phone number within 24 hours exceeds the limit The same mobile phone has exceeded the sending-times limitation in 24 hours.
6006 unsupported country area Unsupported country area
6107 This lock type does not have a Bluetooth unlocking function This lock type does not have a Bluetooth unlock function
6108 No qualified data No data that meets the criteria
6109 Trial version can only be issued on the same day. Please purchase service or renewal The trial version can only be issued on the same day卡
6110 Maximum number of trial releases issued The maximum number of trials issued
6111 Trial version can only be issued on the same day. Please purchase service or renewal The trial version can only be issued on the same day, please purchase service or renewal
6112 The end time of the signature card cannot be greater than the end time of the interface The end of the issuance card cannot be greater than the end time of the interface
6113 Parameter or permission error Parameter or permission error
6114 No MAC is available no mac available
6115 Current API no support for cancellation of room card The current api does not support canceling the room card
6116 Error LockType wrong lock type
6117 Invalid range of the number of parameter,which should be in range of 1~254 number of errors
6118 The effective time of the qrcode shall be within the time period when the qrcode is available The QR code valid time must be within the time period during which the QR code can be obtained
6119 The effective end time of qrcode cannot exceed 30 days The effective end time of QR code cannot exceed 30 days of the current time
6120 openEndTime format is not correct The QR code valid end time format is incorrect
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